Being Seen, Being Heard
The cover of this issue of Inclusion Now magazine features a graphic story produced at recent Being Seen, Being Heard project workshops.
‘Being Seen, Being Heard’ is a joint project between ALLFIE and RIP:STARS (Research Into Practice: Skilled Team with Ambitions Rights and Strength), a group of Disabled young researchers from Coventry aged 18 to 25.
The project involves working with disability rights leaders to create graphic stories using visual materials to support younger Disabled people. The aim is to help change the negative narrative about disability and promote the involvement of young disabled people in the Disability Rights Movement.
Following the Government’s COVID-19’s social distancing guidance, ALLFIE and RIP:STARS co-hosted 4 successful Zoom workshops, attended by 18 Disability rights leaders. The workshops looked at the importance of intergenerational experience, leadership and its importance to the future of the Disability Rights Movement.