Membership Levels
Be part of the alliance! Join ALLFIE and help build a better world for disabled learners.
Working together we can make inclusion a reality
By joining ALLFIE you help us plan for the future and the challenges and opportunities for inclusive education that it will bring.
You will receive three free issues of Inclusion Now magazine per year, notice of meetings, events, training courses and news of campaigns and consultations. Stay in the loop and join ALLFIE!
Which membership type should I choose?
There are two types of membership:
- Full membership is open to Disabled individuals and to representatives from organisations controlled by Disabled people which support ALLFIE’s principles. (At meetings, full members have three votes each.)
- Ally membership is open to individuals and representatives from organisations who are not eligible to be full members but who support ALLFIE’s principles. (At meetings, ally members have one vote each.)