Sign ALLFIE’s manifesto

Stand up for inclusive education and put your name to our six demands.

ALLFIE’s manifesto seeks to promote the realisation of the equity, equality and the right to inclusive education for ALL Disabled people, through the provision of necessary supports and adjustments in mainstream settings. 

The manifesto sets out six demands for creating an inclusive education system: 

  • Adopt an Inclusive Education legislation in the UK
  • End all forms of segregated education
  • Redirect government SEND funding towards supporting and improving mainstream services
  • End all forms of Curriculum and Assessment systemic injustice
  • Make Inclusive Education Training mandatory nationwide
  • Combat Social Injustice in Education

ALLFIE manifesto

Sign our manifesto

Recent signatories...

  • Lilian Matthews
  • Shubhra Pashine
    “I support Inclusive Education”
  • Thomas Howard
    “Education is a fundamental right and should be accessible to everyone. I support the amazing work being carried out by ALLFIE in the UK.”
  • Uzo Ojinnaka
  • Alice Mccoll
    “I have worked to champion disabled children's rights for over 25 years. I met Michelin many years ago when I worked on inclusive adventure playgrounds in London. Now I'm a parent and I feel so worried that things have gone backwards since the 90s. We must use this to make change.”
  • Deborah Foley
    “I love my childs special school but it shouldn't exist. All children should be educated together in smaller classes with integrated ages and abilities. It's a pipe dream which the ever increasing home schoolers are holding out for.”
  • I Kerr
    “I am a disabled mother. Disabled people account for roughly 20% of the population. We are the largest minority group, but despite legislation, discrimination is an everyday occurrence and it's a struggle to live- not because of disabilities- but because the environment around us is not designed to include disabled people. We end up stuck in our homes and not being seen. Because we are not seen, we are not thought to exist in the numbers that we do.”
  • Christopher Brockwell
  • Inclusion London
  • Tom McDonough
    “I back Alfie's work 100%. Segregated education is all part of the othering of children living with conditions like autism or blindness. We need to end this marginalisation and value all children equally, as humans.”
  • Jumoke Abdullahi
  • Mariya Stoeva
  • Babs Akin
  • Lisa Feeney
  • Jenny Hurst
  • Bromley Experts by Experience
  • Jon Abrams
  • Action Disability Kensington and Chelsea
    “I support these 6 demands and hope that, in this time of recent political change in the UK, those who now govern us will be more responsive to such proposals.”
  • Iyiola Olafimihan
    “It is an injustice and tragedy for modern or even ancient societies to segregate a group of people who have not committed any crime in segregated institutions based on their identities as Disabled people. I demand an inclusive education system that values us as Disabled people equal to our peers and recognizes us contributors to socity,”
  • World of Inclusion
    “Support the ultimate goals of the Manifesto. But I think we also need to generate transitional demands that address the current inequalities to build a mass movement to support as part of generating a ground swell in and out of the New Parliament to support the aims of the Manifesto. E.G switch funding of the £2.6 billion earmarked for building special schools to providi8ng resource rooms, training and staffing in mainstream schools to enhance inclusion.”
  • Miri Hersh
  • Maggie Buckingham
    “I have extensive experience mostly negative in respect of both my children's education. I have endured a long and difficult battle (ongoing) trying to enforce my rights regarding lawful practice with SEN needs and provision. I absolutely understand the huge problems in this area and appreciate the enormous difficulties people face in trying to access support, hold local authority's to account, enforce the law and advocate for a fair and equal access to an education.”
  • Hannah Francis
  • Honesty Haynes
  • Rebecca Bland
    “Couldn't agree more”
  • Runnymede Trust
  • Ellie Ikiebe
  • Violeta Tatu
    “The work that ALLFIE are doing is incredibly critical and I wholeheartedly support their mission.”
  • Marita Haakonsen
  • Consortium for Stronger LGBT+ Communities
    “Inclusive education is the main hope we can have for a brighter future in which all young people can thrive. Let us scrap the proposed new Section 28 that prohibits healthy discussion of sexuality and gender!”
  • Gemma Roberts
    “Thank you for all your hard work on this to ensure disabled people have a voice in education settings. Keep up the great work!”
  • Suzanne Keys
    “I work as a school counsellor and I see the casualties of current system We need to resource real include education for all young people”
  • Zaqia Ayub
    “All the best in making the world a better place for our coming generations.”
  • Steve Ball
    “...our education system and our world have needed this for a long time - well done and keep going...”
  • Liberation
    “An inclusive and non-discriminatory education system is absolutely essential because of the fundamental impact that education has on the whole of someone's life. Education has a vital role to play in preventing Disabled people being disadvantaged as children and young people and then as adults too.”
  • J. Caroline MacKeith
    “It is so important for the whole of society that all children are educated together in an education system where all given what they need and can make relationships with each other”
  • Quiet Riot
    “We in Quiet Riot, a network of people who use alternative communication, are passionate about all children and young people being included in mainstream education”
  • Lani Parker
    “I want to work with others to transform the education system to be one which Every child can thrive in to do that we need to Make it inclusive In every way”
  • Simone Aspis
    “We need an inclusive education system that supports inclusion of all. Inclusive Education can never happen unless we challenge intellectual, behavioural and physical norms informed by white middleclass non disabled peoples developmental standards that determine whose knowledge is valued via our assessment and examination system. The link between education and examinations must be broken - education is about learning to create and live in an inclusive society whether that is.”
  • Elaine McLean
  • Vania Martins
    “Great job!”
  • Kevin Caulfield
    “Disabled people have been denied access to inclusive education throughout our lives, in so many educational settings. Education is not only about passing exams and just learning, its also about being with our non Disabled peers making friends and contacts. Its an education just being together. Because, as Disabled people, we are not involved in the decision making of policy and practice we are not part of developing accessible and inclusive educational solutions to counter our exclusion.”
  • Afolabi Ikutiminu
    “I firmly believe that every child deserves the opportunity to learn and thrive in a mainstream setting with the necessary support and adjustments. ALLFIE's six demands for an inclusive education system resonate deeply with my values of equality, inclusion opportunity for all.”
  • Dave Lupton
    “ALLFIE remains the one true voice of inclusive education and provides the focus for those of us fighting social injustice in education.”